“Always stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals.”
- - Michelle Obama
“The fear of what other people think is the single most paralyzing dynamic in business and life. You will never own the future if you care what other people think.”
- - Cindy Gallop
So, one day after dance class, my mother, red faced and tired from dragging my 3 year old sister and at the time newborn brother all over town for me- made me choose. She told me that it was too much work driving me all over so I had to pick ONE thing to focus on. Which one did I like more- dance or softball?
Deep down I knew the answer: I loved dancing. Even though I was probably the chunkiest kid in the class, that was one place I wasn’t insecure about myself. I just liked anything to do with music and self-expression. It made me feel alive.
But at 8 years old, I thought sports were cooler. I never even enjoyed playing softball beyond the first year, but I always thought boys were so much cooler than girls and it was the closest I could come to feeling like one of the guys on a nearly daily basis.
But now I can admit, 25 years later, the boy I had a crush on at the time, well his baseball team always played right after us and that was the only time I had the nerve to talk to him. So of course.. I picked softball.
It was a total head decision and not remotely what my heart was saying at all. There’s a theme there that would carry with me throughout most of my life. But I wouldn’t realize it until I officially started writing this book!
Now, in my thirties, I’m still struggling with regret, frustration and intense self-loathing more often than I’d like to admit. Constantly looking back and beating myself up for my choices as a kid and all my perceived “missed opportunities” and self-imposed mediocrity.
The faulty mentality and secret reasons for making that seemingly insignificant decision as a child became a reoccurring theme in my life. A cycle if you will. All my other perceived poor life choices I would make throughout my life would stem from the same root causes. Which I will elaborate on later.
Anyway, that was the first regret I ever made. At least one that still haunted me until adulthood, and it seemed to just be a downward spiral from there. One I wouldn’t realize until I was an adult and finally looked back and saw the common link between all my regrets in my life and where they came from: using my head. Trying to be someone I’m not. Compromising on myself and what I really want and love for someone else. Caring more about what other people thought of me, or how I appeared to others rather than living my truth and pursuing it wholeheartedly. Fear. Fear of rejection. The fear of failure.
All that avoidance, only to end up failing in my own mind and rejecting myself in the process.
Learning to forgive myself was probably THE hardest thing I’ve ever had to do and I still struggle with it today. Learning to reprogram my mental computer. Finding the positives in my mistakes. All things I will be writing about and sharing with you as this book goes on or through posts on my websites.
My journey to finally Create the Life I Want has been a rocky one, but I’m going to share it with you here and pray that it will encourage you. Either by inspiring you NOT to make the same mistakes as me or by empowering you to be proactive and make your life what YOU want: starting NOW.
Because now, 25 years later, I am finally learning my lesson and applying what I learned. Writing this book is another step in that right direction- which I will elaborate on later.
Michelle Obama and Cindy Gallop had it spot on, and I only wish I could have seen that sooner. But I’ll get there and so will you. It’s never too late to become the person you were always meant to be.
“Always stay true to yourself and never let what anyone else says distract you from your goals.” And don’t forget: “The fear of what other people think is the single most paralyzing dynamic in business and life. You will never own the future if you care what other people think.”
Don’t forget it!
These inspiring quotes from Michelle and Cindy are great reminders to help you live your best life possible and get you one step closer to creating the life you want.
Stay tuned for more excerpts from the new book “Create the Life You Want” as it develops.